Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I think it's finished. Maybe not. I'll let you know tomorrow!

A little hiccup in my plan.

Ok. So I didn't make art last week. But, this week is different. On Monday I made three drawings that I plan to do some sort of mixed media thing with, and yesterday I started a new 4 1/2' x 3' painting (which is pictured above).

Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Sound of Young America

Did I mention that I often listen to The Sound of Young America podcast when I paint? It is an awesome show filled with humor and interesting guests. You should check it out. There's a link to the website in the left column of this blog. You don't need an ipod to listen. You can listen to it on your computer as you're checking e-mail, leaving comments on myspace, or whatever you do when you use your computer. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

karla and paul

Karla and Paul. Andrew wanted to be in the picture too. I've been working on this for several days. I'm not sure how I fell about how it came out. There are parts that I really like. And, I like the overall composition. And, I like that it's both disturbing and funny. I think I'm just getting caught up in some small details. I hope Karla doesn't completely hate it! :)

Thursday, September 07, 2006

my helper and a sneak peek of what i'm working on...

A picture of my buddy Andrew who is always willing to help - or take a nap someplace nearby! In the background you can see what I'm working on. I started it on Tuesday and worked on it a bit more this morning. I hope to finish it this weekend.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ward, Ryan revised

After talking to Karla about this painting, I changed the background some. I didn't think I wanted to change it, until I moved it off the easel, looked at from a different perspective and saw it seemed a bit top-heavy.

I also started working on another large painting the same size as Ryan, but don't think I want to post pictures of it yet. So, keep watching! ;^)

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ward, Ryan

bigger than 6" x 6" (3 1/2' x 4') and less than an hour.