Monday, April 09, 2007

Flower pins and sweethearts

After seeing button flowers on the Craft blog I decided to try it out. I made a couple of other ones besides these, but of course forgot to take pictures! The top button flower was added to a white vinyl bracelet and I plan to sew a pin back on the bottom flower.

I made another type of flower pin for my grandmother. It is a loom bloom flower. Again I forgot to take a picture so you'll have to just imagine it or ask Grammie about it! :)

A picture of two sweethearts - David and Maya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly! I got my buttons! They're great! I have a use for the little blue one already, and I'm going to try some flower pins, too. I'm getting my camera very soon, so I'll post a picture on Flickr. I love the little bag, too--did you make that?

Thanks! This was fun!