Sunday, April 29, 2007

Yarn and buttons

Well, I'm trying to catch up on all of my projects! I bought more yarn to continue working on the mauvey wrap.

I've been keeping this project in this cute bag that my mother-in-law made for me!

I received an excellent package in the mail this week from Dava for the Shim and Sons Vintage Button Swap.
Look at all of these gorgeous buttons. Fabulous presentation too! This box has been sitting on my dining room table this week and friends who stop by have inspected each button like it is a little piece of art.

Dava is so sweet - in addition to the buttons, she sent "How to Crochet" ribbon!

No pictures, but the lion is coming along. The furry yellow/orange/brown yarn is working for the mane. I just need to make two feet, assemble and stuff. That's all! haha!

In addition to crocheting and swapping and my everyday life, I've finally gotten around to trying out my new oil paints and I plan to teach myself to screenprint this week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you like them! Be sure to take the big marbly one out and hold it up to the light--it's really cool!